Vendors Information and Membership

Love Holt and the Love Holt website can only continue to effectively operate through public donations and members' monthly memberships. Donations begin at £5 a month, and we have had a range of contributions from £5 to £300 a month. It’s simply as much as you can afford. We do not discuss contributions and the level at which traders support Love Holt. Please use the below box to setup and begin your monthly contribution to Love Holt. For any suggestions or to cancel your membership at any time, simply contact:

To submit your business profile for the website, please click here.

CLICK HERE to see the Love Holt information pack.

CLICK HERE to see the Love Holt strategy document.

Thank you for your generosity and ongoing support. Love Holt

Please give as generously as you can afford, we promise to put every penny given to good use for the town.


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